"Incineration" 2014 - 2016
The series of artworks presented is a personal research on the connection between matter and existence, viewed through the prism of incineration and the general aesthetics of fire. In my work, fire is not treated as simply a destructive force, but rather as a much more multifaceted idea that includes the aspects of purification and rebirth, and which is deeply connected with human existence and critical for the development of human culture.
Similarly to the way that fire scorches matter, leaving behind charred remains, the artworks presented use ashes and asphalt to compose landscapes and figures. These figures are completely deprived of any recognizable characteristics like gender and facial traits, thus expressing my purpose of creating images that are spiritual and metaphysical. Ultimately, my paintings tend to focus on a pure notion of existence when depicting the human figure, instead of having a more naturalistic and physical approach. In order to honor the above dedication to a purer approach of painting, I try to limit my use of materials that are unrelated to fire.